State of unconsciousness and loss of protective reflexes resulting from administration of 1 or more general anesthesia agent.
Theories of general anesthesia (put in simple term)
1. Lipid theory - Decrease membrane permeability -> interfere with brain function -> LOC
2. Ion channel theory - Effect brain's ion channel (Na+,K+) -> interfere with brain function -> LOC
3. Receptor theory - Increase GABA effect -> interfere with brain function -> LOC
Stages of anesthesia
1. Sedation - administration of agent till LOC
2. Excitement - LOC till loss of eyelid reflex
3. Surgical Anesthesia - loss of eyelid reflex till respiratory depression
4. Overdose - respiratory depression - death
Components in GA
1. Loss of consciousness - The use of either intravenous or volatile (gas) GA agent
2. Muscle relaxant - Non depolarizaing / Depolarizing
3. Analgesia - Opioid
General anesthesia agent
- To be continued-
1. IV agent
- Barbiturate: thiopental
- Benzodiazepam: midazolam
- Phenol: Propofol
- Steroid: Ethomidate
- Imine: Ketamine
2. Volatile agent
- Sevoflurane
- Isoflurane
- Desflurane
- Halotane
- Enflurane
Muscle relaxant agent
1. Depolarizing
2. Nondepolarizing
Reversal agent