
Welcome to plain white scrubs, a page where ill be sharing my medical notes. I hope we could all benefit from it and i value your comments for improvement of this page


General Anaesthesia

General anesthesia (anaesthesia)

State of unconsciousness and loss of protective reflexes resulting from administration of 1 or more general anesthesia agent.

Theories of general anesthesia (put in simple term)

1. Lipid theory - Decrease membrane permeability -> interfere with brain function -> LOC

2. Ion channel theory - Effect brain's ion channel (Na+,K+) ->  interfere with brain function -> LOC

3. Receptor theory - Increase GABA effect -> interfere with brain function -> LOC

Stages of anesthesia

1. Sedation - administration of agent till LOC
2. Excitement - LOC till loss of eyelid reflex
3. Surgical Anesthesia - loss of eyelid reflex till respiratory depression
4. Overdose - respiratory depression - death

Components in GA

1. Loss of consciousness - The use of either intravenous or volatile (gas) GA agent
2. Muscle relaxant - Non depolarizaing / Depolarizing
3. Analgesia - Opioid

General anesthesia agent

- To be continued-

1. IV agent

- Barbiturate: thiopental
- Benzodiazepam: midazolam
- Phenol: Propofol
- Steroid: Ethomidate
- Imine: Ketamine

2. Volatile agent

- Sevoflurane
- Isoflurane
- Desflurane
- Halotane
- Enflurane

Muscle relaxant agent

1. Depolarizing


2. Nondepolarizing




Reversal agent


Preoperative assessment

Preoperative assessment is done based on

1. History
2. Physical Examination
3. Investigation

1. History

- Presenting complain
- Medical condition: CV/Respiratory/effort tolerance
- Anesthesia history: previous complication/ side effect: difficult airway/nausea/headache
- Family history: malignant hyperthermia/ porphyria/ pseudocholinesterase deficiency 
- Drug history: Anti-hypertensive/ steroids/ OCPs/ anti-convulsion
- Allergy: drug/food/soy
- Social History: smoking/alcohol

2. Physical examination

General: hydration/ temperature
CVS: Pulse/ JVP/ BP/ Heart sound/ Murmur - AS(lean in front) /MS(lean laterally)
Respiatory: Cyanosis/ Auscultation of lungs
Airway: Mallampati score, thyromental distance, neck movement, facial symmetry, tongue size

Mallampati score
Grade 1- full opening
Grade 2- tongue touches tip of uvula
Grade 3- Tongue covering tip of uvula
Grade 4- Tongue covering everything

Thyromental distance (<7cm : suggest difficult airway)

3. Investigation

- FBC: all
- Urinalysis: all
- RF : hx of diarrhea/vomiting/ renal disease
- LFT: liver disease/ alcoholism / nutritional state
- Blood glucose: DM/ vascular disease/ corticosteroid 
- Coagulation profile: coagulation disorder/ chronic liver disease
- ECG: >45 CVS disease
- CXray: Respiratory problem/ Thyroid enlargement

American Society of Anesthesiologists grading (ASA)

1. Healthy
2. + Disease controlled/ non life threatening
3. + Disease uncontrolled/ non life threatening
4. +  Life threatening
5. Expect to die with or without surgery
6. Dead - for organ donation

Orthopedic emergency

This post will be explaining briefly, the common orthopedic emergencies, including its presentation investigations and managements.


Septic arthritis = infected joint. The infection will produce inflammation that kills the pathogen , but at the same time damages the cartilage.
The infection can either come from direct trauma or due to hematogenous spread from elsewhere in the body

Common organism: Staphylococcus Aureus (adult), H. influenza (child)


Hx: Single joint, cant move (in pain), Hx of Trauma / URTI

Ix: FBC, C&S, (ultrasound in child), X-ray (effusion-widenning of joint space), crp

Mx: analgesic, fluid, paracetamol, aspirate, antibiotic
If Confirmed: (flush/ n aspirate), drain. immobilize

Complication: osteomylitis, deformity

EMERGENCY 2 : Crush Injury (reperfusion)

Crush injury will result in breakdown of muscle cells causing a delivery of its products (Myoglobin/Potassium/Creatine Phosphokinase) into the blood stream.
A release of the crushing pressure will allow these products to circulate freely in the blood causing systemic damage. (shock and renal failure)

Sign: hypovolemia

Investigation: ABG, Renal profile, full blood count

Management: Apply tourniquet , amputate , treat the shock and renal failure

-----Coming soon---- 

EMERGENCY 3 : Compartment Syndrome

EMERGENCY 4 : Fat Embolism

EMERGENCY 5 : Cauda Equina Syndrome

Fractures: principal and management


Fracture is discontinuity of a bone

Describing a fracture:

Type : Close / Open
Nature : oblique / transverse / spiral / comminuted (more than 2 fragments)
Site : which bone, R / L
Displacement : angulation, overriding, translation, twisting

Fracture: can be divided into OPEN and CLOSED

- Open fx: fracture which communicates with a wound
- Closed: fracture with intact skin


Gustilo classification for open fracture

1 : CLEAN wound, less than 1 cm
2 : CLEAN wound, 1-10 cm
3 A : DIRTY wound, adequate soft tissue covering
   B : DIRTY wound, inadequate soft tissue covering
   C : Involve neuro/vascular injury


The general rule is, fracture heals on its own. We manage fracture by aligning it so that i can fix itself correctly. The physiological process of fracture healing (HICCR):

H: Hematoma 
I  : Inflammation
C : Callus formation
C : Consolidate 
R : Remodeling

Time to heal:

Upper limb:  3x2 (6 weeks)
Lower limb:  3x2x2 (12 weeks)

Management of Closed fractures:

Reduce: Close manipulation, Open reduction, mechanical traction
Hold: Traction - Fixed / Balance(skeletal / skin), Cast, Internal fixation (screw/wire/plates and screw/intermedulary nail, External fixator  (illizarof)
Exercise: to reduce oedema, restore muscle power

a. screw b. nail and plate c. intermedullary nail d. locked intermedullary nail e. dynamic hip screw

Management of Open fracture:

Debridement: clean wound
Antibiotic prophylaxis : prevent infection
Fracture stabilization: usually external fixation
Closure of wound: delayed primary closure, secondary closure

Complication of fracture

Early (Insanely Hot Nude Nice Fat Chick)
- Infection
- Heamarthosis
- Neuro/Vascular injury
- Fat embolism (explained in orthopedic emergencies)
- Compartment syndrome (explained in orthopedic emergencies)

Late (DAMN)
- Delayed union
- Avascular necrosis
- Malunion
- Non-union (hypertrophic / atrophic)


New year's resolution no. 9: to STUDY more! and what better way to ensure that i study than blogging bout it!
*inspired by an old friend, JACK NAIM

Reference are/will be made from, textbooks, journals, lecturers and notes from others (etc. jack naim's)

Feel free to browse/read/copy and paste/reproduce any part of this blog

With the words of Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, allow me to begin.